JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 202420252026202720282029 February 2025 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday129:30 am Sunday WorshipSunday Worship9:30 am - 10:45 amRead More36:00 pm AHG MeetingAHG Meeting6:00 pmRead More46:30 pm Ladies' Ministry MeetingLadies' Ministry Meeting6:30 pmRead More55:45 pm WEDNESDAY NIGHT MINISTRIES w / IGNITEWEDNESDAY NIGHT MINISTRIES w / IGNITE5:45 pm - 8:00 pmRead More67899:30 am Sunday WorshipSunday Worship9:30 am - 10:45 amRead More4:00 pm HOUR OF POWER / PRAYER TIMEHOUR OF POWER / PRAYER TIME4:00 pm - 5:00 pmRead More106:00 pm American Heritage Girls / Troop #KS0264 MeetingAmerican Heritage Girls / Troop #KS0264 Meeting6:00 pmRead More119:00 am Mom's ConnectMom's Connect9:00 amRead More6:00 pm Church Board MeetingChurch Board Meeting6:00 pmRead More125:45 pm WOW w / IGNTIEWOW w / IGNTIE5:45 pmRead More1314 Valentines DayValentines DayRead More158:00 am Men's Prayer Breakfast and WorkdayMen's Prayer Breakfast and Workday8:00 amRead More169:30 am Sunday WorshipSunday Worship9:30 am - 10:45 amRead More12:15 pm FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON / Youth Fundraiser the Sweetheart SoiréeFELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON / Youth Fundraiser the Sweetheart Soirée12:15 pmRead More176:00 pm American Heritage Girls / Troop #KS0264 MeetingAmerican Heritage Girls / Troop #KS0264 Meeting6:00 pmRead More18195:45 pm Wednesday Night Ministries w / IgniteWednesday Night Ministries w / Ignite5:45 pmRead More202122239:30 am Sunday WorshipSunday Worship9:30 am - 10:45 amRead More24259:00 am Mom's ConnectMom's Connect9:00 amRead More265:45 pm WOW w / IGNTIEWOW w / IGNTIE5:45 pmRead More2728